Clifford and Norm Show - World's funniest talk show!

Comedy!  Satire!  Humor!  Funny!  Woo Hoo! 

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  Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.

An Open Letter To My Boss

Follow this basic form letter, and you too can benefit from the President's cap on bank executive salaries!

The Dummy's Guide to Management for Idiots

The perfect sure-fire management philosophy from one of the world's least successful managers.

Think You're A Loser?  Maybe You Just Need A Vacation!

Author of the "The Loser Syndrome" claims, it's time to buy (or steal) airline tickets for a much needed getaway.

Norm Comes Clean: "I'm A Sex-a-holic!"

Norm reveals what no one could have guessed by the looks of him. 

Job Search Advice: Pick The Right Industry, Fool!

Clifford tells you how to come out ahead  during a financial crisis.

Try Clifford and Norm's
2009 New Year's Resolutions


Links We Like!


Comedy Central - We're not Worthy!

Home of "The Daily Show" - and our comedy hero, Jon Stewart - is that how you spell his name?  Always fun to visit this hilarious, intelligent comedy site.  We hope to be like them someday!

Link Market - Free Link Exchange, Link Swap and Trade
Have you ever tried to exchange links, swap links, or trade links? Was it hard? Use link market instead; - it is easy to use, free and very smart.  It will save you hours of work.

Morris Brothers
If you like comedy, then you probably like good music.  These guys make great music - bluesy, jazzy.  Local guys from New York.  Get their CD or download on iTunes!  Check out their album, "One Less Dream"

Humor Links

Not a great looking site but a good place to hunt and peck at your own risk for comedy.


5 easy ways to start laughing...


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Life Getting You Down?
The Clifford
and Norm Show
offers free, possibly
good advice.
Request Advice

Dear Esteemed Website Visitor: 

You came to us for some laughs.  But did you know, we can also help solve your problems?  Well possibly.  We can possibly help solve your problems - things like...

"I am not living up to my potential."

"The girl I asked out last week said she'd rather date John McCain than me."  

"I am having trouble taking time out from my busy napping and video gaming schedule to hunt for an actual job." 

"My daily routine includes popping into Starbucks at ten in the morning for a quick pick-me-up  - and finding myself being asked to leave at closing time."

If you have problems like these...
